Rödelsee’s catholic church was consecrated in 1783 after four years of construction. This stately building with its three-storey entrance tower was designed mostly in the neoclassical style by Major Adam Salatin Fischer. The altarpiece depicts the martyrdom of the Apostle Bartholomew, the church’s patron saint. This masterly painting by Georg Hanftmann, dating from around 1850, shows the apostle in bonds, with two executioners holding sharp knives in their hands. The two carved wooden statues replacing the former side altars are masterpieces created by the Franconian artist Matthäus Schiestl around 1894: Mary with child Jesus and St. Joseph. Further works of art include a gilded copper monstrance, dating from 1750, a large crucifix, dating from 1733, and pictures of the 14 stations of the cross, purchased in 1861. The remarkable offertory box on the door is as old as the church itself.
Katholisches Pfarramt
Hauptstraße 40
97320 Großlangheim
Telefon 09325 370

After the collapse of Rödelsee’s first church, which had been used by both Lutherans and Catholics, the Lutherans built their new church in a plain, protestant style on the old church’s ruins. It was consecrated in 1780. The massive tower, octagonal at the top, is crowned with a bulbous cupola, whose lantern was uncovered in 1985. The plain altar, the pulpit and the organ form a harmonious trio. The altarpiece, depicting the Resurrection of Christ, was painted by Georg Kramer in 1893. The organ with its gilded acanthus ornament was built in the late baroque style. The neoclassical baptismal font dates from 1795. Two elaborate stalls with carved coats of arms of the Castell family are particularly eye-catching. The gilded brass chandelier in the middle of the church is ornamented with vine leaves and grapes, testifying to the importance of winegrowing to the local population.
Evang. Pfarramt
Frau Pfarrerin Raffaela Meiser
Wiesenbronner Str. 7
97348 Rödelsee
Telefon 09323 3466

St. Lawrence’s, the Lutheran parish church in Fröhstockheim, was built in the early 15th century. The massive church tower with its slender spire is an easily visible landmark at the foot of Schwanberg. From the Reformation to 1969, the Barons von Crailsheim were the church patrons and had the right to present ministers. During renovation work in 1973/74, ceiling frescoes dating from the early 15th century were uncovered in the choir. The depictions include the symbols of the four evangelists and angels carrying the instruments with which Jesus was tortured. There are also impressive biblical scenes of the Assumption of Mary and the Crucifixion of Jesus. The renaissance-style baptismal font dates from 1581. The impressive funerary monument to Ernst von Crailsheim, created in 1596, is probably an early work by the sculptor Johannes Juncker. It is crowned with a relief showing the Resurrection of Christ. The organ was donated by the Crailsheim family in 1903. When the church was renovated in 1974, the plain whitewashed ceiling was replaced by a coffered wooden ceiling, ornamented with contemporary symbolic pictures of biblical stories by Hubert Distler.
Evang. Pfarramt
Frau Pfarrerin Raffaela Meiser
Wiesenbronner Str. 7
97348 Rödelsee
Telefon 09323 34 66
St. Michael’s, built on Schwanberg in 1987, is the new church of Communität Casteller Ring, a Lutheran nunnery. This religious community was founded by seven young women in 1942 and existed in secrecy in the first three years, because independent youth organizations were persecuted by the Nazis.
The church design by Alexander Freiherr von Branca reflects the combination of introverted contemplation and extroverted openness that characterizes the life of the community.
The sisters pray four times a day in their modern church and invite all visitors to Schwanberg to join them in their prayers. Visitors are also welcome to attend services held on feast days and other special occasions in the liturgical year.
Communität Casteller Ring
97348 Rödelsee
Tel.: 09323 320

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